July 21, 2012


My heart goes out to the victims and their families in Colorado. I don't know who came up with this idea but I thought it was a great.. Please share if you agree. I think it would brighten up the day of many children.

Follow Up On Christian Bale

Christian Bale Visits Shooting Victims in Colorado
What an awesome guy. Taking his time to visit the not only the memorial but those injured in the shooting. Thank you Christian Bale. Read more about it from People Magazine Here.


  1. A caring post. Have a super week.

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  2. I think this is a great idea, too. When we went to see the movie I couldn't help but feel for those people and my mind kept drifting away from the movie and towards those in pain.


    1. I know it is so sad, and I keep wondering the same thing. If I go to the movie will I be able to enjoy it.
      Thanks for stopping by Amanda!

  3. Hello. Just wanted to stop by to let you know that I've chosen you for the Liebster Blog Award.

    You can read the post at: http://www.thedivvyspot.com/2012/07/liebster-blog-award.html


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