March 31, 2013

Easter - He Is Risen Free Printable

Happy Easter

Here is a free printable that you may print and copy or download HERE

April Visiting Teaching Handout 2013

April's visiting teaching message is on Temple Covenants 
You can read the entire message HERE

Please feel free to copy and paste this handout or click HERE to download.

Hope you enjoy this handout.

If you didn't see last months little gift and you want to take your ladies something, go check it out HERE 

March 28, 2013

Who is your doppleganger?

What is a doppleganger?

In dictionary it says

Someone who looks spookily like you, but isn't a twin, is a doppelganger. 

Originally, this was a type of ghost.
The word doppelganger is German and literally means double walker — as in a ghost or shadow of yourself. An easy way to remember it is that doppelganger sounds like double, as in "That movie star is my double. We look so much alike." These days, most people don't refer to the ghost meaning when talking about doppelgangers: they just mean someone who looks a lot like you or could be your twin. Still, that is pretty spooky.

Try it out for fun!

I did and this is who they came up with. Maybe it's because we part our hair on the same side. Ha ha

I like their pick, I can dream can't I LOL!

Okay now it's your turn. Go give it a try just for fun.
Love to see who your doppleganger is? 
Click HERE

March 25, 2013

Party #43 and Fun Grab Bag Giveaway

Win this fun bag of darling jewelry 
(6 earrings and 2 necklaces) 
plus one month sidebar ad! 
It's easy....

March 17, 2013

Dear Lizzy 5th & Frolic Project and Review

 I am so excited to be sharing  
American Crafts Dear Lizzy Fifth & Frolic's 
new collection with you. 
This line will debut in all JoAnn’s stores March 17 (today)!

This line was designed by the very talented Liz Kartchner and features the most fun crisp blues, pinks, greens, yellows and airy neutrals with hints of gold.

 I was lucky enough to receive a package of Dear Lizzy Fifth & Frolic in the mail. Just look at all the fun paper and embellishments!

March 12, 2013

ThrifTee Gear Review and Giveaway

Yes, this may be an obvious question but,

which lunch bag would your teen rather take to school?

My son has never been one to take his lunch to school until just lately, so I was very excited when I heard about these cool lunch bags fro

March 11, 2013

I Gotta Try That Monday Party #41

I love Monday's it's party time.
You all make me feel like this cute little guy on Monday's
Happy to be here!
Thanks for coming and linking up!!! 
Photo: Lip-syncing to Girl on Fire (we sing Tracen on fire) he is  a little dramatic (:
(okay all except the flashing part Ha ha)

March 09, 2013

Bubble Gum Cake and Party

My grandaughter is a little sugar fanatic and loves bubble gum. She chose to have a bubble gum party this year.

Here is her cake. Tutorial for this is towards the end of this post.

March 04, 2013

I Gotta Try That Party # 40

Here are this weeks fabulous features!
The top clicked on links of 
Party #39
Raspberry & Lemon Custard Tarts from Butter and Jam

March 01, 2013

March Visiting Teaching Handout

Hello ladies!
Can you believe that February has come and gone?

Below is a handout and a cute little spring gift idea, that you might want to give your ladies this month.

Please feel free to copy and paste this or download HERE!

I picked up some gardening gloves at the dollar store and some lettuce seeds and added a little note.

This is the little saying on the note.

I love comments, ideas or if you have a special request let me know. Have a great month ladies.
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