July 31, 2013

Imagination Movers "Back In Blue"

Look who has the NO. 2 Children's Album on iTunes!    

Imagination Movers 

Newlywed and Broke: A New Single-Camera Comedy!

o I am a blogger for the Entertainment New Media Network. This post has been compensated as part of a social campaign for Entertainment New Media Network and their client. All opinions are 100% my own. 

I am so excited to share this with you!

I am hoping that you will pass this along and let me know what you think of Newlywed and Broke in the comments.

What is this new series?

July 26, 2013

Chicken & Waffles Lay's Chips

I know Chicken and Waffle Lay's Chips are not "NEW" but they are to me. After hearing many opinions on these chips, I have wanted to try them myself.
Only problem, I have searched everywhere and couldn't find them. Well I finally found a bag while on a road trip and gave them a try.

What did I think?

They were by no means yucky but definitely not yummy either. I myself would never buy them again. If I am going to eat something fattening, it's gonna be some other flavor of Lay's chips that I really love! If you have tried these, I can't wait to hear what you thought about them!

July 25, 2013

FYSIKO Eyelash Cream Serum Review

Let me begin by saying I was so skeptical about this working. I kept thinking,  
"I will not do a review and say that something works if it doesn't." 


July 24, 2013

July 24th Pioneer Day


Pioneer Day is on July 24th and is the anniversary of the day when the first Mormon pioneers entered the Great Salt Lake Valley. Members of the Church were persecuted for their beliefs and mobs chased them from town to town and state to state until in 1847 the prophet Brigham Young led the people on a great exodus to the west.

July 23, 2013

Lacing Boards

Make your own fun and educational lacing boards for your kids!

These lacing cards will definitely keep little hands busy and entertained in the car, on a plane, at restaurants, church or even while mom's trying to get dinner ready.
Lacing toy's encourage dexterity, fine motor skills, coordination and attention to detail, all while enjoying every minute of it.

July 22, 2013

Party #60

Welcome to the party!

Here we go with this weeks fabulous features, 
which as you know are the most viewed!

Black and Red Raspberry Tart 1
Yummy blackberry and raspberry Tart over at Mama's High Strung
Black and Red Raspberry Tart

July 21, 2013

July 21st National Ice Cream Day

"I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream!" 

I probably have literally screamed for ice cream a time or two, and hey it's National Ice Cream Day so start screaming!

If you watched the last episode of The Apprentice, the last and final task was to make an original ice cream for 
Walgreen's Good & DeLish Premium Ice cream. 

July 18, 2013

The Complete Rejuvenation System Review

What is all the buzz about Dermagist?

I wanted to know the same thing. 
So I tried it out and here is what I think!

You know we are always being told to 
"Grow Old Gracefully"

July 14, 2013

Being Watched By Vultures!

Yes these are vultures in the park down from my house!
These Vultures don't look very big but they are. I took these pictures with my phone and the tree was very tall. That being the case it doesn't do their size justice. There were five of them. 
  I have started walking and I am in horrible shape. 
        I could just imagine what they were thinking as I walked past. I'm sure that they were just waiting for me to fall over and die.   
By my heavy breathing and the look of exhaustion on my face, they thought they would be getting a hefty meal real soon.

July 10, 2013

I Should Have Gone To IHOP Part 2

If you didn't read Part 1 I have a video of the trampoline mishap
you might want to go there first.
Click HERE! 

Well here is the rest of the story.

 I tore my ACL and meniscus and both lateral ligaments.
I had to wait eleven long day's before surgery. I wasn't hurting too bad as long as I kept the brace on and didn't put any pressure on it. Sleeping was not very good either.

July 06, 2013

Darling Greeting Cards

Love for you to meet one of my sponsors!

Go check out there great variety of cards and tell them I sent you!

You can also find the on Facebook and Twitter

July 05, 2013

Kick Up Your Favorite Summer Dinners

 I'd like to welcome Meredith K. and thank her for doing this guest post by on behalf of Ro*Tel.

There are certain meals that just scream, “summer”—the ones you crave when the sun is shining and you can eat outside. While these dishes are popular for a reason, eating the same meals over and over again all summer long can get boring. Make your meals more exciting this season with these easy ways to kick up your favorite summer dinners:

July 03, 2013

Pirate Cove Pizza Experience

Arrr Mateys!

Here is a post for all of me Landlubbers, and Sea Dogs! 

If you are ever in or passing through St George, UT the Pirate Cove Pizza is a great place to stop for food and to have a great time.

I think I may have been a little too excited to be there, because of the amazing atmosphere. Made me feel like I was eating at a restaurant in Disneyland, and who wouldn't be happy about that.

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