September 07, 2012

Creepy Shrunken Head

Day 8

This creepy little project started out with a head and some hair gel, both from the dollar store and a pickle jar.

 First thing I did was spray paint the pickle jar lid black.
While it was drying  I added a very small drop of green food coloring to the gel. I didn't want to add to much because I just wanted a hint of green.
 Then I put the creepy head into the pickle jar.
 Three of my grand kids were helping me with this. Ages two, five and seven. They thought is was hilarious when I started squeezing gel onto the head. When it was full I added the lid.
They didn't laugh to much at the finished product. They thought is was kind of scary! I think I might put this on my husbands night stand when he is sleeping. LOL!


  1. Wow! The gel makes that look amazing! Thanks so much for stopping my my blog. I am following along now and can't wait to see what other creepy projects you have. :)

    - Megan

  2. I love that! So cool!

    Katie @ Horrific Knits

  3. Very cool! Shoving a glow stick in the head would give it an interesting effect too ;o)

  4. Holy moley that's one spooky jar! I love it! If it won't scare the kids at school that I work with too badly, I'll make it for our Halloween party!

  5. This is seriously creepy! Bet the kids LOVE it... :)
    Not so sure if I would... :(

  6. Seriously, that is nasty! Ha ha, but I like your blog :)

    I have my first linky party going on right now too, if you'd care to come link up!
    There are no rules involved :).


  7. My teens are going to LOVE this!

  8. Okay that looks really scary, I gotta make one! Thanks for sharing on the We Made That Linky!

  9. Hi, I love this for table decor at our annual family party. I am standing in Dollar Tree looking for the head; it's not here. Can you tell me which dollar store you bought your head from?

  10. LOVE this idea! And of course I have about a million empty jars hoarded in the basement :)

  11. Really, REALLY cool...especially, as someone else said, for teenage kids who don't get scared easily!

  12. Ooo! Creepy is right. What a great Halloween decoration.

  13. This is awesome!! Love it!

  14. Where did you find the head? i cant find it anywhere. i went to dollar tree and target

  15. im so going to try this, but might have to wait till my four yr old is at school, she might not think its funny! Love the idea!! thanks

  16. I put one of the cheap flexible rubber masks with hair in a method soap refill bottle with narrow mouth and filled it with water, the gel would make it better,.


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