May 31, 2013

Win A Brand New Silhouette Cameo Designer Bundle!

This year for my Bloggy Birthday I have teamed up with some of my amazing blog friends and My Vinyl Direct to bring you the ultimate crafter giveaway!

A Brand New Silhouette Cameo Designer Bundle!
($450 value)

May 30, 2013

DIY Fire Extinguisher Fun Make Over

This such an easy way to make a fun and attractive Fire Extinguisher for you home, camper or where ever you keep one!

Keep Calm and Cook On

* For safety reasons, please make sure to attach the instructions to the back of your extinguisher when you are finished.

May 27, 2013

Party #52

 So excited to have you here!

Let's start this out with our Fabulous Features

which are the most viewed links!

May 26, 2013

Ten Free Father's Day Printables

Here are TEN great Father's Day Printables you can print off and put in a frame for a nice Father's Day gift.

May 24, 2013

Lady & The Tramp Disney Dinner & Movie Night

My cute daughter Tacie doesn't have a blog but she does the cutest things with her kids. She decided to have a Disney Movie Night each week until they go to Disneyland. I asked her to share them on my blog.
 So check out their first movie night!

Lady and The Tramp

May 20, 2013

It's Linky Party #51

 So excited to have you here!

Let's start this out with our Fabulous Features
which are the most viewed links!

May 17, 2013

May 13, 2013

Welcome to Linky Party #50 and a great GIVEAWAY from Minted!

Party #50

But first...

 Have you heard about Minted?

Minted is a global community of independent graphic designers and an online store that prints and sells the best of their designs in the form of paper goods.

May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day!

Here is a beautiful tribute to Mother's.

Happy Mother's Day to all the beautiful women in my life,
and especially to my sweet momma!


May 11, 2013

Blogger Opportunity!

 Hey blogging friends, come join in on this great giveaway!


Back to School Blast Event

Hosted by: Mom Powered Media
Prize: $1,000 in Gift Cards up for grabs!
Event dates: 7/1 - 8/1

Free Blogger Event: Sign Up HERE

May 10, 2013

Yummy 3 Ingredient Drink!

I just had to share this yummy, healthy and low calorie drink I whipped up this afternoon.

I have one of those nifty little magic bullet mixers, so it is easy and quick to throw the ingredients in there and mix.

 You need to try this. You can also replace the frozen fruit with raspberries, strawberries or blackberries.
I think I will try all three.

Just be sure to add the coconut water. So healthy!

May 07, 2013

Leaf Chandelier Blue Nile Earrings Giveaway

Mother's Day is on it's way have you done your shopping yet? 
If not here is a beautiful gift.
Some earrings from Blue Nile

zoom main

I am excited to be a part of this fun giveaway thanks to 
Lisa Cash Hanson Momprenuer Mogul and Blue Nile

Hey and if you already have a gift, wouldn't it be exciting to win these for yourself. I love how they could be worn with anything!
blue Nile Earrings Giveaway

Aren't these pretty? If you can't wait to see if you win and you just have to purchase a pair now click HERE and get yourself or your mother a pair.

May 03, 2013

Fun Free Mothers Day Printables

Here are some fun Mother's Day Printables that you can copy and paste or download!

You can put these in a cute frame for a gift or
use for your own Mother's Day Decor 
Download HERE 

May 02, 2013

May Visiting Teaching Message Handout 2013

Sorry this one is a little late getting out
I had surgery and am trying to keep up with everything.

Please feel free to copy and past this handout o
click HERE to download it for free.

If you don't want to miss out on monthly handouts
enter your email below!

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May 01, 2013

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