July 23, 2013

Lacing Boards

Make your own fun and educational lacing boards for your kids!

These lacing cards will definitely keep little hands busy and entertained in the car, on a plane, at restaurants, church or even while mom's trying to get dinner ready.
Lacing toy's encourage dexterity, fine motor skills, coordination and attention to detail, all while enjoying every minute of it.

I purchased the supplies at the dollar store.
A cardboard puzzle, a foam puzzle and two books with 
the really thick pages.

I started with the Disney book and cut out the board pages.
This one book will give us six lacing cards.

The foam puzzle I left alone, but I took the cardboard puzzle 
and glued the pieces so it would'nt come apart.

Next I took a sharpie and put a dot everywhere 
I wanted a hole to be.

Then we drilled a hole on every dot!

I purchased a few bright colored shoe laces
from the dollar store to lace with.

You will need a long shoelace for each board.

 That's it!
You can let the kids take it from here.

They will have countless hours of fun!


  1. Hi Marcie,
    Great idea. I pinned your post for future reference. Thanks so much for sharing.
    Bye for now, Darlene

  2. Super fun and cute idea!! What an easy way to make these. I used to love Lacing Boards and so did my kids. Thanks so much!! Pinned it!!

  3. what fun and a great way to practice sewing and knots. Thank you for sharing at the Thursday Favorite Things blog hop xo

  4. Love the dress! New follower via gfc from Thursday Favortite Things Blog Hop! Would love to have you follow me back. http://unravelingends.blogspot.com

  5. Love this idea!! I love things that are helping our kids that seem like games but are really educational tools! Come link up at my Weekend Beautiful Blog Party, would love to have you there.

  6. What a great idea to use a board book! Those lacing cards are awesome! Thank you for sharing at our Pinteresting Party.

  7. Wonderful idea! I don't have kids yet, but my nephews and nieces will be very happy with these

  8. Cool idea! Thanks for sharing @ Submarine Sunday!

  9. The gang at My Personal Accent thinks your post about the Lacing Boards is WONDERFUL, and we would like to invite you to party with us at starting at 5:00 Thursday nights at our new Blog Strut Peacock Style Link Party to share your creative ideas. Come on over!! http://wp.me/P2Vf55-1K


I love comments, ideas and suggestions. Thanks for stopping by!

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