July 28, 2012

Toe Separators or Yoga Toes

I know... strange post. But I need some opinions here. 

I was cleaning out my bathroom drawer and once again came across theses toes separators that I purchased years ago. I don't even remember why, but I do remember putting them on and immediately taking them off. Ouch! I put them back in the drawer and they have been there ever since. They say that these can be worn while you’re relaxing, watching TV, or just putting your feet up at the end of the day. Who are "They" ? The last thing I wanted to do when I put them on is relax, watch TV or anything of the sort. Well I took them out of the drawer deciding whether to toss them or put them back in the drawer to get knocked around for another couple of years. Well I tried them on again. Oh my gosh, they hurt so bad and I didn't even have them pushed down all the way. I figured that might mean that I really need to use them. 

 Well I decided to give them another go. I am going to start out with about 2-3 minutes a day and try to work up from there. We will see what happens and if I start to notice any difference. 

Is there anybody out there that uses these that has had a good experience?

Toe Separator Benefits
1. Stretch and exercise toes. Stretching can provide immediate relief to a long day of foot muscle and ligament use. (So if I exercise and stretch my toes, will they become slender and flexible? :)
2. Help you avoid costly surgeries.
3. With use, toes begin to realign to rid you of foot pain. (Now this is probably why I bought them)
4. Can be used as a non-surgical treatment for bunions, hammer toes, crooked toes, heel pain & general foot comfort.


  1. Wow, I have never heard of these and I never would have expected the benefits! I'm so sorry that I missed this post at the Mommy-Brain Mixer last week... it's my first link-up ever and... well... I'm learning! :) I so hope you'll come link-up for week 2! It will be live at midnight tonight! :)

  2. I never liked them either. They always bother me and feel weird. Maybe I should give them a try again though too. Thanks for sharing at our Pinteresting Party

  3. I use them now started at 5 minutes a day then. 10 it's pretty amazing for overall foot health

  4. I use them now started at 5 minutes a day then. 10 it's pretty amazing for overall foot health


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