October 07, 2013

I Gotta Try That Parties and Giveaway

Enter to win the Trick or Treat Witch Bag

Please wait a minute while giveaway loads!

I wanted to let you lovely ladies know that it is true. I am taking a break from linky parties for the time being. 
I will be sure to let you know when they are back up and running. I want to thank all of you so much for being so great about coming and joining in each week and sharing your awesome talents. I love you ladies,  you inspire me. 
I hope you will continue to visit my blog. I have much more Halloween fun coming up!


  1. I've truly enjoyed the linky party and eagerly anticipate the time when it's up & running again. Thanks for hosting!

    ~Taylor-Made Ranch~
    Wolfe City, Texas

  2. such a cute bag, my daughter would really love this!

  3. Love this bag , my daughter would go nuts over it! :-)

  4. This is so adorable, Do they make any more kinds of bags

    Not sure I see a link to them, My computer sometimes doesn't show everything

    sibabe64 at ptd dot net

  5. My granddaughter is going to be a witch so this would be great.

  6. my daughter would love this!

    octoberbaby1990 at yahoo dot com

  7. My six year old Nola, is going as a witch this Halloween, so perfect!

  8. This bag is SO clever & cute!! I'M IMPRESSED!!

    Mojo's Mom
    Lewisville, TX

  9. This bag is SO clever & cute!! I'M IMPRESSED!!

    Mojo's Mom
    Lewisville, TX

  10. I as a rule begin taking care of new years. Select huge, firm, stout bulbs or roots. Try not to buy any that are wounded, flawed, or delicate. website


I love comments, ideas and suggestions. Thanks for stopping by!

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