July 01, 2012

Firecracker Flag Cake

This is a strawberry and vanilla layered cake with homemade whipped cream. I added red beads around the bottom and I used toilet paper rolls to make the firecrackers.


  1. Wow! That cake looks so beautiful. I wouldn't want to eat that cake! Your blog make me so hungry for cake.

  2. omg this is a great idea :)
    I love this cake!!


  3. That cake looks awesome, I will have to try and make one. Thanks for sharing such a fantastic idea http://aetcheverry.blogspot.com/2012/07/friendship-friday_02.html

  4. Woah ! love the cake, looks very cute and a brilliant surprise for everyone who eats some :) Also want to thank you for featuring me, yay!!! my first ever feature, i am doing a happy dance right now :)

  5. Love the inside of this one. So clever! I love cake. I wish you lived at my house. I need someone to make me cake more often. I've been bugging my daughter to do it, but she doesn't feel like going into the hot kitchen any more than I do. Ah well... thanks for stopping over to Quirky Vistas to leave me a sweet comment. I appreciate you taking the time to do that!

  6. How cute is this!!! The inside of the cake is amazing!!

  7. Wow that cake is amazing! It looks delicious too. Great job! Megan

  8. SUPER cute. What a great idea!

    You were featured!



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