August 07, 2012

Websters Dictionary

I am moving in two days and here I am playing on the computer. While I was packing and going through things I found this dictionary. I laughed to myself and wondered how many kids have never used one of these. I don't know, maybe they still use these in school. I actually don't remember the last time I used one. Can you remember the last time you used one. I would love to hear about it.


  1. Ha! I don't really think I've used a dictionary since my kids were in school! The class for my youngest just had their 10 yr reunion... so that was quite awhile ago! LOL

    1. I just asked my son who will be a senior this year if he ever uses a dictionary at school. He said maybe once or twice. He usually is on the computer when he needs something like that.

  2. I used it about 5 days ago. I'm always looking stuff up, my spelling is horrific and I like to be able to explain the meaning of words correctly to my daughter and students. My daughter, also a senior, doesn't use a 'real' dictionary either. I do teach students how to use a dictionary occasionally, like when they randomly ask what a word means. [I teach high school for the emotionally impaired.] However, I love my Nook Color because I can look up a word as I'm reading!!!

    1. I think if we had to look it up we would remember the spelling better. I am lazy and just google everything.

  3. I say with a little bit of shame, the last time I used my dictionary, I took the elephant page out, printed an elephant on it and used it as a fingerprint guest book, each fingerprint was a 'balloon' lifting the elephant up.

    Now get back to packing :)

  4. Yes :) It was about a month ago - I have a huge blue hard back covered one, that my mom bought me from a door to door salesman, some 40 plus years ago... I do believe that qualifies it for heirloom status to my granddaughter. :)

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  7. I usually use the one on the widget on my mac but I do occasionally use my old one because I like to see meanings for things that some dictionary authors (such as mac and other online dictionaries) all to morph. The true meaning of words matter. I like to go with trusty older versions when I have doubts!

  8. Ha...I don't even think we have a paper dictionary in the house! We tend to just turn to the interwebs.


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