Day 18
For today I took these things...
and made this.
Here is the inside of the little jewel box.
I added some jewelry, old keys and a ghostly picture.
In the jewelry box drawer is a finger. I will have to have a DIY tutorial to show you how I made the finger.
I went to the thrift store and found the doll and jewelry box.
I painted the box and sanded the edges. I then took the rose from the doll and glued it to the top of the box.
For the doll I cut the dress, ripped the tights, pulled off the rose, and rubbed brown makeup on her face and dress. I (this sounds gross) poked out one eye and put white paint on the other. I took her ringlets and combed and frizzed them.
I set them up with a couple of decorative boxes I have, added a doily and now I have a great little Halloween setting.
I love what you did to that doll! I swear, now it's less creepy than it was before, standing there with its glassy eyes, trying to eat my soul. Ha- YOU GOT WHAT YOU DESERVED YOU DEVIL'S SPAWN!!! (ok, ok... I really don't dig dolls! But now I contemplate buying one just so I can mutilate it for Hallowe'en)