January 09, 2013

Are you gonna kiss me or not?

Here are two printables that you are welcome to copy and paste or down load for free. One is a darker brownish red, while the other is a lacy pink!
 Can't decide which is my favorite.

Download this one HERE

 and this one HERE

I purchase a silver frame at the dollar store that looked perfect for this.



  1. That is a cute idea for a SO or husband. Just in time for Valentines. Have a great week. http://onecreativeprocrastinatinggal.blogspot.com/

  2. very cute. i love this idea!
    Stopping by from GYB hop!

    Trish @ Tales from ... 

  3. Thank you so much! I love them both! Pinning...

  4. Love, love, love!!! Thanks for sharing on the CSI Project FB page! I hope everyone comes over and sees this!!!
    And thanks for making it available to everyone. So kind of you!
    XOXO, Dee, The CSI Project

  5. nice idea :) love that song btw. stopping by from my turn!

  6. These are awesome Valentine's ideas- I better get cracking on thinking about that!

  7. Cute idea.. Found you on Tasty Thursday and your newest follower through GFC and Bloglovin

  8. I like how nicely they fit in the frame! I really like the top one! Thanks for sharing at One Creative Weekend!

  9. So fun!!!! Love it!

    Thanks so much for sharing this at The DIY Dreamer... From Dream To Reality!


I love comments, ideas and suggestions. Thanks for stopping by!

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