January 11, 2013

I love you, I do, I do, I do, I do, ( I dew)

I confess I love Abba and their music. I guess that's why I loved the Mama Mia Movie so much. Does anyone besides me remember this song?
Check out the I Do (I Dew) song and don't you just love the outfits. :)



  1. I love Abba! I have to admit though that until I clicked on the link I couldn't remember the song. Wasn't it used in a scary movie once too? I never saw Mama Mia. There is something wrong there. :) I better change that soon.


  2. Super cute! I'm totally doing this for my husband on Valentines!

  3. My Hubby loves Mt. Dew, what a great idea for a Valentine! Thanks so much for sharing on We Made That!

  4. Oh dear! I have to make this for my hubby. Thanks for coming over and strutting your stuff!

  5. cute idea. Thank you for sharing at the Thursday Favorite Things hop xo


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