September 22, 2013

Five Minute Halloween Pumpkin Decoration

Once you get your few supplies out, this pumpkin will really just take minutes to make.

I bought this pumpkin from the dollar store. While your there grab an extra one because in Nov. I have a really cute project I made with it. Then I picked up a pair of mens black tube socks for 99 cents at Ross.

 Next pull the sock up over the pumpkin. Cut off the bottom and glue in place with glue or a hot glue gun. I just used Elmers glue.

Next I took black and purple tulle and tied a knot around the top. I tore the tulle in several places to make it look a little messy or worn.

 Perfect little extra for my shelf!


  1. So cute and easy!

    Take Care,
    Mandy Jean

  2. This is too cute! I was just on Pinterest trying to find ways to decorate for Halloween! Love your blog!

  3. Clever! I'd love it if you linked this to What'd You Do This Weekend? Have a great week.

    Wishes for tasty dishes,

  4. Super cute and easy! Thanks for sharing :)

  5. Cute! And we always have a supply of mismatched socks on hand, thanks to our dogs! :O)


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